Monday, June 16, 2008

Finishing Harry Potter.

Severe Spoilers!!!!! Do not read if you don't want to know how the final Harry Potter book ends!

I finally finished the last Harry Potter book, 'The Deathly Hollows.' I was reading it off and on for a year now, and about two weeks ago I finally decided to commit and finish it by reading a chapter or two each night. What a ride. I was totally satisfied with the whole book, especially the ending. I knew, as many of you did, that we'd discover Snape was good all along. I'm surprised that I managed to avoid that being spoiled for me this whole time, since I obviously lagged on reading this one. I also loved the very very ending when Harry and Ginny are seeing their kids off to Hogwarts, and we find out the names of their children. The best part though was a bit more personal. For those who don't know this, about two weeks ago I slid into second base whilst wearing shorts at my company softball tournament. I have a pretty bad road rash scar on my left leg. As I sat there in my study finishing the very last sentences of the seventh and final Harry Potter book, the part where it mentions his scar hasn't burned for 19 years, I got a chill through my entire body, and the scar on my leg started to burn. Folks, I think I am a wizard.