Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm a lame blogger/Dexter and Pineapple Express.

You are probably one of only a few people that will read this, which means you are probably one of my co-workers checking out the blogs since you have a bit of down time, and you've probably at one time or another noticed that I barely ever update my blog, which means that I am basically lame at blogging, which is just a nice way to say, I suck at movie reviews. First of all, I hardly watch movies as much as I used to because I'm busy with other stuff and because my wife feels it is important for me to spend my money on more important things like baby stuff, yes we are due in late March with our first child. Also, I have a Chihuahua that constantly needs my attention. Oh I fear the worst for my dog when the baby comes, for my attention will be divided and he will unfortunately be neglected and emotionally . . . dissed. But that is all beside the point, the point being that I really am a bad movie reviewer. And why bother bringing this up and drawing more attention to this defect of mine? I don't know. I'm feeling guilty perhaps? I mean here I am, blessed with this opportunity to blog on a very popular website, and I rarely use it.

So, anyway, in these times of economic hardship. . . Oh, there is breaking news. I have to go. I'll continue this later.

Well, I'm back. I was sent to go cover a shooting in North Las Vegas, but half way there I was called back because NLVPD told us it was just a BB gun shooting. It happens.

So where was I? So in these times of economic hardship and blah blah blah, I have been limited to my Blockbuster online account where I receive movies one at a time in the mail. It's about 13 bucks a month, I get two free in store rentals per month as well. So instead of being out there watching new theater releases like Benjamin Buttons and The Wrestler, which would be appropriate for a movie reviewer to have seen, what with the Oscars just around the corner and all, I have limited myself to watching DVDs at home. I watched Pineapple Express last night, yeah, basically it's a movie about a marijuana appreciator who witnesses a murder. He and his dealer go on the run to escape being killed by the killers and their henchmen. It was a funny movie, James Franco is pretty classic in it, as well as the guy who plays their friend who rats them out. Now, a normal movie reviewer would bother to find out that guys name and add it to this review, but like I said, I'm lame. There's my disclaimer. Oh, he's the same guy with the mullet in Tropic Thunder. See how I slide? (Slide. It's a new term I'm trying to make popular instead of the overused "That's how I roll." That's how I slide. )

Dexter, have you seen it? It's awesome. Finally a show where I can really identify with the lead character. I swear, Dexter is like a page out of my own book of life. Dexter, the show, is about a cop who is also a serial killer. Hah hah, I was just kidding. I don't really feel like I identify with him. But the show is awesome! Like I said, he's a serial killer, but he lives by a code: He only kills people who kill innocent people, people who deserve it, in his mind anyway. And the Character who plays Dexter, something Hall, I can't remember his first name, he was in Six Feet Under, anyway, the guy is an awesome actor and you just grow to like him immensely.

Okay, so Pineapple Express gets a 'Tripods Up,' and Dexter get a 'Tripods Way Up.' There, I actually recommended some shows for you if you haven't seen them already, so don't say I'm completely useless. Lame? Maybe. Adios.