Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The New James Bond Not As Good As The Old New James Bond.

I like Daniel Craig as Bond, a lot. He really brings it. I liked the first Bond film with him in it, Casino Royale, but I did not like Quantum Of Solace so much. It wasn't a bad film, it was just an okay film. I never got completely bored nor did I ever feel the inclination to walk out of the theater, but I was never thrilled or intrigued as I was with the previous Bond film. This worries me because it seems as though the Daniel Craig Bond series may fall victim to the trend of what happened with the Pierce Brosnan and Timothy Dalton Bond films, that being they had awesome first movies, but the ones that followed were just ho hum, in my opinion.

Some of the problems I had with Quantum Of Solace were that I felt it lacked cleverness, both in plot and in anything Bond does, such as fighting, talking, etc. Remember in the beginning of Casino Royale at the top of the crane, Bond's enemy throws a gun at him from about five feet away? For a split second you might think that the gun was going to hit him in the head and cause him to almost fall, but no. Instead, Bond catches the gun with superhuman reflex and throws the gun back at his enemy, almost knocking him off! Or remember when Bond was poisoned whilst playing Texas Holdem, and he's in his car almost dying with a defibrillator improperly attached to his chest. Then Vespar finds him, attaches the clamp properly just as he's lost consciousness, she pushes the button, and wallah, Bond instantly awakens only to ask Vespar, "Are you okay?" Well that was what Quantum Of Solace lacked, that kind of quick witted humor and action.

And I also think it's time they introduce some of the clever gadgets like the old Bonds had. This new rugged and real Bond may be too cool for cheesy gadgetry, but they could tone down the cheese and still incorporate them nonetheless. All in all, an okay film. Tripods sideways.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Dark Knight (movie review)

The Dark Knight! It was a good movie, I really enjoyed it. Yeah, Heath Ledger, good stuff. Yeah.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Finishing Harry Potter.

Severe Spoilers!!!!! Do not read if you don't want to know how the final Harry Potter book ends!

I finally finished the last Harry Potter book, 'The Deathly Hollows.' I was reading it off and on for a year now, and about two weeks ago I finally decided to commit and finish it by reading a chapter or two each night. What a ride. I was totally satisfied with the whole book, especially the ending. I knew, as many of you did, that we'd discover Snape was good all along. I'm surprised that I managed to avoid that being spoiled for me this whole time, since I obviously lagged on reading this one. I also loved the very very ending when Harry and Ginny are seeing their kids off to Hogwarts, and we find out the names of their children. The best part though was a bit more personal. For those who don't know this, about two weeks ago I slid into second base whilst wearing shorts at my company softball tournament. I have a pretty bad road rash scar on my left leg. As I sat there in my study finishing the very last sentences of the seventh and final Harry Potter book, the part where it mentions his scar hasn't burned for 19 years, I got a chill through my entire body, and the scar on my leg started to burn. Folks, I think I am a wizard.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So yeah, I liked Indiana Jones 4.

I had my doubts, but when I finally sat down and watched Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, I was thoroughly entertained. My only two complaints, and they are small, is that one of the actors, John Hurt, was a tad too silly for my taste, and that at times the actual crystal skull they carried around with them looked like a ball of Saran Wrap. Small Potatoes.

Now, beware of spoilers!!! Don't read from this point on if you have not yet seen this movie and don't want any of the surprises spoiled!

I've been hearing a lot of people complaining that the film has too much CGI (computer-generated imagery), or that the action was too over the top and that it was "too hard to suspend my disbelief." Suspend your disbelief??? It's an Indiana Jones Movie for Pete's sake! The first one had demon ghosts flying out of the Ark, melting off people's faces. The second had a guy who ripped still beating hearts out of people's chests, and rocks that would glow when they got near each other. And the third had the ghost of Sir Lancelot or whoever the hell that was at the very end. They are cliff hanger movies. They spawned from the old weekly Saturday matinee movie cliffhangers from the 1930s and 1940s; Flash Gordon, Jungle Jim, Dick Tracy Detective, just to name a few. As far as too much CGI? What can one say? Remember when you used to be able to tell it was a puppet, or a guy in a rubber suit, or you could see the strings? Well, sometimes you notice the CGI. To some it's a deal breaker, but to me, I can accept it if the locomotion is realistic and the effects actually contribute to telling the story. Sometimes the old ways, puppets and strings, might be better if done right, but for Indy 4 it just wasn't a big issue for me. The giant ants I thought were great. I was expecting the usual image of the bugs chewing someone to the bone, leaving behind only a skeleton, but instead the ants carried the guy into a giant ant hill . . . that was more effective in that it left the untold terror of what could be happening up to the imagination. Shia Lebeouf swinging like a monkey in a tree? Okay, a bit silly, but remember Tarzan, another cliffhanger character of which some of the Indiana Jones movies are based on? Some thought it was ridiculous, that it was too much of George Lucas's tomfoolery! Hogwash, I say! Remember the airplane scene from Temple Of Doom where Indy, Short Round and uh . . . Kate Capshaw used a river raft as a parachute? Or the crazy roller coaster mine ride? Cliffhangers, people.

And now what may or may not have been the biggest surprise. You may have heard it somewhere, you may have figured it out for yourself, or you may have not known until you saw it . . . or maybe you are about to find out right now and you shouldn't be reading this . . . Shia Labeouf's character, Mutt, is Indiana Jones son! Indy finds this out when he is reunited with Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), who is the mother. What I liked about the whole father/son story here is that they didn't dwell on the whole "Hey son, had I known I would have been there for you all these years . . . " sentimental bull crap. Instead Indy instantly calls him son and yells at him for quitting school. Classic. The chemistry between Karen Allen and Harrison Ford was great as well as it was in the Raiders Of The Lost Ark. It was nice to see them together again, and she certainly didn't pause when it was time to kiss the bride at the end. And as far as the complaints about Harrison Ford needing to hang up the hat, that he's too old for that part, oh com on! You are taking this movie way too seriously. He was great as an aged Indiana, and they actually played off his being older in some of the wisecracking one liners. A tip of the hat to Spielberg and Lucas. They made a mighty fine Summer blockbuster. Tripods Up!

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Ho Hum Movie Summer

So far I've seen Iron Man, Speed Racer, and The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. I enjoyed Iron Man the most, which surprised me since I thought it would suck. Robert Downy Jr. was great as Tony Stark/Iron Man, and the story unfolded without the long winded dramatic bull crap that made me hate the Spider-Man films. Okay, Spider-Man 2 was decent, but the others . . . . pure crap. Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker? Organic web shooters??? Oh don't even get me started. Jon Favreau did it right with Iron Man, he directed a great comic book movie. And Gweneth Paltrow was not at all annoying.

With all the bad reviews and negative hype, I actually even enjoyed Speed Racer. My Chief Photographer recommended I rent the old cartoons and watch them first, which I did, and I think it definitely added to making the movie experience a positive thing; for the movie adheres to some of the cult classic cartoon's silliness and over the top action. Watching the original cartoons made me wonder if the Wachowski brothers, the directors of the Speed Racer movie, got most of their ideas for camera angles and camera movements for their earlier films (The Matrix Trilogy) from the Speed Racer cartoons. If you don't know the cartoons, you will probably sit uninterested and annoyed in the theater as you watch this. Seeing the cartoons is a plus!

I saw the latest Narnia installment as well. It was just okay, but the ending battle sequence was great. I gotta say though, the oldest two of the four kids, they bug the hell out of me. I can't put my finger on it, but the older brother is such a pretty boy little prat I just want to push him into a puddle of mud. And the older sister constantly has this tough girl scowl that makes her look, and forgive my shallowness, it makes here look ugly as all hell. Ugh, and to think Prince Caspian actually enjoyed kissing her. The special effects were better than the first, and the creature make-up and effects were great too. I think I liked the first Narnia movie better.

So far, it's been a pretty ho hum movie Summer, aside of Iron Man. And my hopes for Indiana Jones 4 to be an epic masterpiece of adventure movie making have come to a depressing shortfall now that the first critics reviews are out. None of them are good. Hey, the critics have been wrong once before (Ebert hated Back To The Future).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Chihuahuas; Are They Really Dogs?

I believe it was Adam Corolla who on his morning radio show said that Chihuahuas are really rats, and Mexico is just playing a big joke on us. Others have commented that Chihuahuas are too small to be considered real dogs, and one may as well just get a cat. I agreed with these points of view until one week ago when my wife and I adopted a 2 year old Chihuahua from Lieds Animal Shelter here in Las Vegas. I was opposed to getting a Chihuahua because I wanted a dog that could catch a Frisbee or fetch a tennis ball. I wanted a dog that I would not accidentally step on and kill while I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I wanted a dog that when I took it for walks people wouldn't laugh at me, for I am kind of a big guy, so walking a Chihuahua might make me seem like some sort of a wuss. Well to heck will all those notions! Chihuahuas rock! My wife named our new beloved pet, Texas Ranger. We call him Ranger for short. My wife did not pick that name because she is a fan of that Chuck Norris television show, she chose it because she was born and raised in Texas near Dallas. I wanted to name the Chihuahua, Vic Mackey, after Michael Chiklis's character on the hit show 'The Shield.' But my wife wouldn't let that fly.

So what is this all about? Why am I writing about dogs in a movie blog? Let me tell you this . . . I did not title this blog 'Hollywood And Beyond" for nothing. The part in the title that reads, "Beyond," is what allows me to veer away from movies and into other realms of discussion. The possibilities are infinite! It's like being able to purchase a barbecue skewer at Bed Bath And Beyond. Anyway, I was taking Ranger on a walk this morning before work and this construction guy was looking at me with a condescending smile on his face. I was waiting for him to say some smart ass comment about me walking with such a little dog, but he didn't. I expect it was because I walked with pride, as Ranger is actually pretty bad ass, and I'm proud to be seen in his presence. I've encountered other dog walkers already and Ranger is not afraid to go right up to big dogs and sniff there (I'll keep this PG) faces. One bigger dog barked at him, and he just stood his ground and looked at the bigger dog like he was some sort of idiot. I tell you, Ranger has cajones. As far as the fear of stepping on him goes, I'm not worried about that anymore. I think Ranger is more worried about it than I am since he keeps a safe distance from me while I'm cooking dinner, or preparing something in the kitchen. Yet he'll stay close enough in order to gobble up any accidentally dropped pieces of food. And as far as having a dog that can fetch a ball, he's great at it. He can fit a tennis ball in his mouth, but man does it look funny, so we bought him some other toys that are more his style. We got him this little stuffed pink poodle and a stuffed orange cat thing that he attacks with the vengeance of a hungry puma. He is fast too, like a laser! When I take him for walks, sometimes I'll bust into a run and he'll keep up with me no problem. His endurance is amazing too, I tire out before he does.

Not only did Ranger change my perception of Chihuahuas as being real dogs, but he also filled the void of needing a pet. He loves to cuddle, he sits quietly when I'm watching TV, and he plays hard. He does that play bite where it's kind of hard, but not enough to break through the skin. That's when I shove a toy in his mouth. All in all, I am glad we have Ranger, so if you think Chihuahuas are lame, then you may want to think again. And if you want a pet, go check out Lied Animal Shelter on Mojave and Washington near downtown Las Vegas. They have a ton of dogs and cats that will suit your needs. Peace.

My Not So Qualified Nor In Depth Oscar Review

I don't really deserve to do this review because:
I didn't see all the movies that were nominated for Oscars, so therefore I can't really say which did or did not deserve the reward. And because I'm not really a real critic or anything of that sort, just some guy who likes movies and shoots news stories for a living.

So let me begin....
Best Picture: No Country For Old Men - I really really enjoyed this movie and I hoped it would win the Oscar. I am ashamed to admit that of the four nominations, I did not see ‘There Will Be Blood.' It is top on my list to see next, and I would have seen it yesterday or the day before the Oscars, but I had friends in town visiting, and my wife and I adopted a new Chihuahua which absorbed all of my time.

Best Director: The Coen Brothers - I was very happy with this choice as well since I am a huge fan of the Coen Brothers who directed one of my all time favorite movies, The Big Lebowski, so hats off to them! They've been around for a while and they deserved it. Again, I did not see ‘There Will Be Blood', so my opinion really is biased. Sue me.

Best Actress: Marion Cotillard for her role in 'La Vie En Rose'. I never saw the movie, but I'm glad she won. She seems like a really nice person.

Best Actor: Daniel Dey Lewis for his role in ‘There Will Be Blood.' I was rooting for Viggo Mortensen for his role in ‘Eastern Promises' because I loved that movie and I think it deserved more praise than it received. It baffles me that ‘Michael Clayton' was nominated for best picture and ‘Eastern Promises' was not, which leads me to . . .

Best Supporting Actress: Tilda Swinton for her role in ‘Michael Clayton'. Seriously, I think she's a fine actress and all, but her role in ‘Michael Clayton' wasn't all that, I don't know, special? I thought the little girl in ‘Atonement' should have won. Her character dealt with a wider range of emotion, and I think she had way more screen time to show her guns as well.

Best Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem for playing a psychopath in ‘No Country For Old Men'. I was rooting for him to win. I didn't see any of the other movies with the other nominees, but I doubt they would have captivated me as Javier's performance did. As I stated, this is my ‘not so qualified Oscar review.'

As far as the rest goes, I don't really care because I did not see most of them. ‘Transformers' lost for Best Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing to ‘The Bourne Ultimatum.' Lame. ‘Transformers' also lost in the Best Special Effects category to ‘The Golden Compass.' Also lame. As you can tell, I really liked ‘Transformers,' which kind of makes me lame as well.

Overall, I thought it was a pretty good Oscar show. Jon Stewart was funny, the presenters were good; the only complaint I have is that there were too many annoying performances for songs from that movie, ‘Enchanted.' But then again they did make good bathroom breaks. And what was with Jerry Seinfeld presenting awards as that character from that damn ‘Bee Movie???' I know the DVD is due out soon blah blah, but still, move on Jerry, move on.

Will The Fourth Indiana Jones Movie Suck?

There are several movies I am looking forward to that will be released soon, like Cloverfield, which is released this weekend and some that are further down the road like Batman, The Dark Night. But the one I am looking forward to the most is Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull. I am a fan of all things Jones. I even liked Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom, which is usually the least favorite of people who Jones out to the Jones movies. What am I even talking about?

Here's the thing... I so hope IJ4 (Indiana Jones 4) won't suck. I remember like five years ago someone wrote a script for it. Then the script was changed. Then it was completely rewritten. Then they were going to have that creepy M. Night Shyamalan guy direct it. Then, Harrison Ford wasn't sure if he'd do it. Then, nothing happened for like three more years, and suddenly a few months ago George Lucas is renting out an airplane hanger in Fresno to make IJ4, Fresno of all places. Movies surrounded by this type of hype, procrastination hype that is, usually suck. I just hope IJ4 proves to be an exception.

The good news is that what's her name is in it, the woman from the first Indy movie; I'm too lazy to Google (webmaster's note: it's Karen Allen). Also, Shia LeBeouf is in it. He's cool in my book, did just fine in Transformers as well as his legendary Louis Stevens character in Disney Channel's Even Stevens, and the fact that I even know that says something of the geek in me. Brandon Dyer of KVBC geek fame would agree. He has told me I'm a geek on several occasions, and that is a compliment.

Also, IJ4 comes to us, as did the other Indy movies, from the creative minds of George Lucas and his little pal Steven Spielberg, both of whom I am a fan. Oh, and who could forget Harrison Ford as the title character, the iconic Indiana Jones. So let's just keep all our fingers crossed that this one will be good. Oh yeah, Karen Allen. But still, Fresno??? Isn't that where all the meth labs blow up? Anyways...

Dragon Wars Review

If you like dragons, and you like wars, then maybe you'll like Dragon Wars. Go figure. I checked out Dragon Wars last night, it was just released on DVD and probably Blue-ray and HDDVD, I don't know. I'm not really hip to the whole Blue-ray/HD thing going on right now, and I never tried to come off like I was a know-it-all about it in the first place, so until I can afford a Blue-ray player and an HDTV, get off my back about it.

Sorry. I'm just miffed that we have to choose between one and the other, which is a load of crap. We should not be treated like guinea pigs by these large corporations who are battling it out to win the battle of whatever format will become the next big thing like when DVD replaced VHS back in the 80s or 90s or whatever. I will probably buy a Blue-ray player when the time comes because I hear that they are the bombastic shizzle. If, however, I buy a Blue-ray player and HDDVD becomes the norm and they fade Blue-ray out, I will be angry and I will HULK out. Yes, I will Hulk out as KVBC Editor Sean Robertson has seen me do when I get angry at technology. What Hulking out entails is me clinching my fists real hard and growling out loud, and maybe even yelling a cuss word. I did this at my old station where I worked with Sean in Salinas, California - KSBW 8. He stepped into my edit bay and said, "Are you Hulking out again?" And that's how the term came about. Here at KVBC however, we need to be a bit more professional, so I don't Hulk out as much here, and when I do it is internally.

Anyway, aside of the cheesy acting (not including Robert Forester), Dragon Wars was damn cool. Tripods Up!

Dragon Wars Review

If you like dragons, and you like wars, then maybe you'll like Dragon Wars. Go figure. I checked out Dragon Wars last night, it was just released on DVD and probably Blue-ray and HDDVD, I don't know. I'm not really hip to the whole Blue-ray/HD thing going on right now, and I never tried to come off like I was a know-it-all about it in the first place, so until I can afford a Blue-ray player and an HDTV, get off my back about it.

Sorry. I'm just miffed that we have to choose between one and the other, which is a load of crap. We should not be treated like guinea pigs by these large corporations who are battling it out to win the battle of whatever format will become the next big thing like when DVD replaced VHS back in the 80s or 90s or whatever. I will probably buy a Blue-ray player when the time comes because I hear that they are the bombastic shizzle. If, however, I buy a Blue-ray player and HDDVD becomes the norm and they fade Blue-ray out, I will be angry and I will HULK out.
Yes, I will Hulk out as KVBC Editor Sean Robertson has seen me do when I get angry at technology. What Hulking out entails is me clinching my fists real hard and growling out loud, and maybe even yelling a cuss word. I did this at my old station where I worked with Sean in Salinas, California - KSBW 8. He stepped into my edit bay and said, "Are you Hulking out again?" And that's how the term came about. Here at KVBC however, we need to be a bit more professional, so I don't Hulk out as much here, and when I do it is internally.

Anyway, aside of the cheesy acting (not including Robert Forester), Dragon Wars was damn cool. Tripods Up!

Dragon Wars Review

If you like dragons, and you like wars, then maybe you'll like Dragon Wars. Go figure. I checked out Dragon Wars last night, it was just released on DVD and probably Blue-ray and HDDVD, I don't know. I'm not really hip to the whole Blue-ray/HD thing going on right now, and I never tried to come off like I was a know-it-all about it in the first place, so until I can afford a Blue-ray player and an HDTV, get off my back about it.

Sorry. I'm just miffed that we have to choose between one and the other, which is a load of crap. We should not be treated like guinea pigs by these large corporations who are battling it out to win the battle of whatever format will become the next big thing like when DVD replaced VHS back in the 80s or 90s or whatever. I will probably buy a Blue-ray player when the time comes because I hear that they are the bombastic shizzle. If, however, I buy a Blue-ray player and HDDVD becomes the norm and they fade Blue-ray out, I will be angry and I will HULK out.
Yes, I will Hulk out as KVBC Editor Sean Robertson has seen me do when I get angry at technology. What Hulking out entails is me clinching my fists real hard and growling out loud, and maybe even yelling a cuss word. I did this at my old station where I worked with Sean in Salinas, California - KSBW 8. He stepped into my edit bay and said, "Are you Hulking out again?" And that's how the term came about. Here at KVBC however, we need to be a bit more professional, so I don't Hulk out as much here, and when I do it is internally.

Anyway, aside of the cheesy acting (not including Robert Forester), Dragon Wars was damn cool. Tripods Up!

You Don't Have To Sneak Your Own Food Into Movie Theaters Anymore!!

Good news for movie fans who like to sneak their own food and drinks into movie theaters. Century Theaters now allows its guests to bring their own food and beverages into their theaters, and you don't have to be sneaky about it. A few weeks ago I bought a Starbucks iced coffee beverage on my way to the Century Theaters at South Point here in Las Vegas. I parked my car, walked the quarter mile from the parking lot all the way through the casino, past the sports book, and made the U-turn up the escalators next to the poker room. I looked down upon all the gamblers and thought to myself, ‘That's it. Keep it up, all you high and low rollers. Keep paying my state taxes... that's it.'

It was at about that moment when I realized that my iced coffee beverage was still considerably full. I was two minutes late for the movie, which meant they were still showing previews, so I wasn't worried. However, I knew I would have to chug my iced coffee and risk a brain-freeze in order to not waste anymore time or coffee. Suddenly I became frustrated. Here we are, it's 2008, a man can die for his country at age 18, but I can't bring my coffee beverage into the movie theater? I got up to the ticket counter, ordered my movie ticket, and was almost tempted to Jedi wave the ticket guy and say "You will let me bring my iced coffee beverage into the movie theater." Instead, I held up my beverage and said, "I'm not allowed to bring this in, am I?" And to my amazement, the ticket... wait... let's make this like a scene in a movie!

Our hero, PRESTON, approaches the ticket counter. He winces, shaking off the brain-freeze whilst grasping his ice cold coffee beverage. The kid at the ticket counter appears to be half asleep.

Can I help you?

Yeah, one ticket for No Country For Old Men.

That'll be seven dollars and twenty-five cents.

(holding up coffee beverage)
I'm not allowed to bring this in, am I?


Preston is startled. His jaw drops in utter surprise.

You mean to tell me... I can bring... this drink
into the movie theater?

Yeah, as long as it's not in a glass container,
you can bring in your own drinks. We
allow you to bring in your own food as well.

Why thank you, kind sir.

Preston takes his ticket and walks toward the theaters.

Excuse me, mister? Did anyone ever tell
you that you look just like Brad Pitt?

I get that all the time.
Preston turns and continues into the theaters, disappearing into theater six.

That's exactly how it went down. So there you have it. According to the ticket guy at South Point Century Theaters, you are allowed to bring in your own food and drinks! Hallelujah!!!! It's about time. Good things really do happen to good people, or at least to movie fans.


Okay, I'm back from doing my news duties . . .
Let's talk pregnant teenagers. Juno, which just came out in theaters, stars Ellen Page, (X-Men 3, Hard Candy), who plays a knocked up teenager who decides she is going to adopt her baby out to a thirties-something couple played by Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner. The film is heart warming, hilarious, smart, and very sweet. Director Jason Reitman, who could very well be the son of Ivan Reitman, hell I don't know, does a wonderful job of capturing a more realistic side of today's youth coming of age.

Remember when teenagers got pregnant, people were like, "Oh my gosh!", and then that pregnant girl in high school dropped out, never to be seen again? Well, I do. And her name was Andrea. But in Juno, she doesn't drop out, she doesn't let the gossip destroy her reputation, she doesn't throw a milkshake in the real daddy's face; it just doesn't become that movie. In fact, it doesn't veer off into about three directions that I thought it would, which is a good thing. Once again, Ellen Page delivers a fine performance as a take no bull from anyone teen, sort of like she did in Hard Candy . . .sort of. This girl is ahead of her time and she knows how to act. If you haven't seen Hard Candy, go rent it.

The supporting cast in Juno is great as well. Michael Cera (Arrested Development, Super Bad), who plays the baby's daddy, is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors, although I am waiting for him to finally break out of his nice guy mold and play a psycho killer or something crazy. Anyway, Tripods Way Up!

You Like Movies About People Jumping Off The Golden Gate Bridge To Their Deaths?

The Bridge
You like movies about people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge to their deaths? Well this one is for you. The Bridge (on DVD) is a feature length documentary about folks committing suicide. Interviews with family members of the victims are touching and insightful. The photography is beautiful; you get to see The Golden Gate Bridge shot from many different locations as well as people jumping off of it. I don't mean to sound crass, but let's face it... it's kind of interesting! You also get to meet a survivor, yes, a guy who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and lived to tell about it. Tripods Up! *See Preston's Official Rating Guide

There's a horror movie out on DVD called Captivity. It's basically a rip-off of the somewhat decent Saw movies. Don't see it. The main character, who we never really care about, played by the beautiful Elisha Cuthbert (Jack Bauer's Daughter, Girl Next Door) is a fashion model who gets drugged and kidnapped and then placed in... captivity!! She is kinda tortured and she keeps almost escaping, but is then captured and drugged and wakes up in a bed in a dark dungeon over and over and over again, infinity. Then, she meets a guy who happens to be captured too and they become more than friends; that's right, they become lovers. Stuck in a creepy den full of severed body parts and dead people, not to mention it must have really stunk down there, they decide to boink. Tripods Way Down.

The Heartbreak Kid
This movie is funny! Best raunchy comedy I've seen in a long time, since... well since the last Farrelly Brothers film? It will remind you a lot of There's Something About Mary, but that's okay, you won't dwell on that minor issue. The Heartbreak Kid is about a guy, played by Ben Stiller, who finally decides to tie the knot, maybe a bit too soon. He and his wife honeymoon to Mexico where he learns he married the wrong woman. He ends up meeting the right woman and life is good - problem is he is still on his honeymoon. The situation gets sticky, raunchy, and hilarious. Jerry Stiller, Ben's real dad, plays his father in the movie and is responsible for a lot of the raunchiness, quality raunchiness at that. Tripods Up!Darn, I have to go edit some stuff now; after all, I am a news photographer, not a professional movie reviewer. But hey, I'll return soon to submit more hit reviews of my holiday viewing sessions. This is to be continued. Later.

Three Not So Christmassy Christmas Movies For Your Holiday Enjoyment

I'm thinking outside the box here folks. I do love the classics like anyone else: It's A Wonderful Life, Miracle On 34th Street, A Christmas Story, Scrooged... but we've all seen those, what, 257 times? So here are my holiday recommendations, and they may be a bit off the beaten path as far as Christmas movies go, however they are arguably just Christmassy enough to be considered Christmas movies.

First off, Bad Santa starring Billy Bob Thornton. It's probably the most Christmassy of my three recommendations, however, if you have kids, DO NOT LET THEM SEE THIS MOVIE!!! Why? Well, in case you didn't know already, it's titled Bad Santa for a reason, IT'S BAD. Not only is it bad, it's dirty. I think I've seen this film three times and every time I see it, I laugh even harder at the dialogue. The things that Billy Bob says, zoinks! It's a dark comedy about a depressed drunk who dresses up as Santa Claus every year in order to stake-out and eventually, with his midget friend who plays Santa's elf, burglarize the shopping center they are working in. Along the way, he ends up homeless and befriends a lonely young boy who actually believes Billy Bob's character is Santa Claus. Beneath all the stench and debauchery, there is a layer of morality to Bad Santa that reeks of the Christmas spirit and gives us that warm fuzzy feeling inside. ‘Tripods up!'

You may totally disagree with me on the next two movies as being Christmas movies, but hey, it's my blog and I can do whatever I want. Lethal Weapon. Yeah that's right, I just went there. Not a Christmas movie??? I beg to differ. I mean, the film starts out to the tune of Jingle Bell Rock as we fly over Los Angeles and watch as a coke whore jumps several dozen stories to her death from a high-rise balcony. I mean what more do you want? Did I mention that maybe these recommendations should be for adults only? I'll do that now . . .


Where was I, oh yeah, Lethal Weapon . . . a Christmas movie? Hey, there is a Christmas tree in it, and it even gets smashed up by a police car! It takes place on or around Christmas. There, I proved my point. So, not only is Lethal Weapon a great Christmas movie, but it's also one of the best buddy movies ever made. Mel Gibson plays a suicidal drunk cop (starting to see a theme here) who's down and out due to the recent death of his beloved wife. How sad. He is transferred to a Los Angeles police station where he meets Danny Glover's character, and they become partners. The chemistry between Gibson and Glover is priceless, but why am I telling you this? Chances are you've already seen Lethal Weapon, but have you watched it as a Christmas movie with Christmas eyes? Didn't think so. Okay, enough of Lethal Weapon, I give it a ‘Tripods Up!' Let's move onto my third and final film recommendation for the Christmas holidays.

Die Hard. Yep, I said it. Police officer John McClane (Bruce Willis) arrives in Los Angeles after recently separating with his wife who left him in New York for a new job. He's also going to visit his old police captain, because it's his birthday or something like that, who really cares? None of this even matters, because before you know it, terrorists take over his wife's Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza, and it is up to him, John McClane, to save the lives of many, many innocent people. Not only is this the best action film ever made, with the best bad guys ever conceived for a film, and another great buddy picture, but it also takes place on Christmas Eve, hence, it's a Christmas movie. A Christmas tree falls over in this one too! I give Die Hard a ‘Tripods Way The Hell Up!' It is one of my favorite movies and a damn fine Christmas experience.

Well then, there you have it, three Christmas movies for you to enjoy without the kids. Not that you have kids, I mean, you might not have kids. Who am I to assume you do have kids? It's not my problem.All films rated by Preston Mullins range from; Tripods Way The Hell Up! (being the best rating,) Tripods Up, Tripods Sideways, Tripods Down, and Tripods Way The Hell Down being the very worst rating.)

The Host (my first entry)

You like monster movies? Well, this one is for you! Oh, but you can't stand foreign films? Don't like to read subtitles? Then you're sure to be missing out. Well, I'll tell you about it anyway...
The Host is a creature flick, pure and simple. South Korea's Bong Joon-ho directs his third feature film to date, and critics have compared The Host to the likings of the first Jaws, which makes sense. Both films are about the CHARACTERS. The Host is character driven and has great creature effects (thanks to FX teams, The Orphanage; Harry Potter and Weta; Lord Of The Rings Trilogy) that are not only scary, but original.
The film's suspense, unlike most horror movies being fed to us, doesn't rely on cheap scare tactics; you know... the music stops, everything gets quiet, and then suddenly something pops out of nowhere, or the phone rings, or a cat jumps from the top of the refrigerator, like oh my gosh!!!! And unlike other monster movies, the creature is exposed to us very early in the film. We don't have to wait through an hour of foreshadowing and partial glimpses of the creature before we see it in its entirety.
The origin of the creature is explained right off the bat, quick and dirty, and yes... it's the American government's damn fault. Sounds political, but it isn't. It's just Bong Joon-ho's way of keeping true to and having fun with one of the genre's traditions: you can't trust the government. And don't fret! Just because the terror gets going soon after the film begins doesn't mean there aren't any more surprises before the film's end.
The main character, who just might be smarter than he looks, is separated from his daughter in all the mayhem when the creature first appears and starts randomly eating people. Her father and the rest of her family think she's dead before they discover she is actually trapped in the creature's lair, a pit in the city's underground sewer system, stowed there by the creature for a future snack!
It's the family that goes to find her, simple people like you and me, not some military team armed with heavy weapons. They might just find her too if they can manage to get along with one another. Nope, it ain't Leave It To Beaver folks. Thank God!
Wow, all this and it's in subtitles? There is the cheesy English voiceover option on the DVD if you just can't bear to read subtitles. But, as with most foreign films, I recommend choosing the English subtitles option, because then you hear the actual tone of the actors' voices in their actual language, not some lame interpretation that ruins the integrity of the film. Just my opinion, of course.
So there you have it: The Host... it kicks ass! I give this film a ‘Tripods Up!' Rent it today at your local video store. I hope you liked my first entry. Other recently released foreign films I highly recommend which are on DVD include: 13 Tzameti, Black Book, and Pan's Labyrinth. I'll be back soon for some more killer movie reviews! Stay warm out there! And don't get eaten by any monsters, okay? Okay.
All films rated by Preston Mullins range from; Tripods Way The Hell Up! (being the best rating,) Tripods Up, Tripods Sideways, Tripods Down, and Tripods Way The Hell Down (being the very worst rating.)

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