Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Will The Fourth Indiana Jones Movie Suck?

There are several movies I am looking forward to that will be released soon, like Cloverfield, which is released this weekend and some that are further down the road like Batman, The Dark Night. But the one I am looking forward to the most is Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull. I am a fan of all things Jones. I even liked Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom, which is usually the least favorite of people who Jones out to the Jones movies. What am I even talking about?

Here's the thing... I so hope IJ4 (Indiana Jones 4) won't suck. I remember like five years ago someone wrote a script for it. Then the script was changed. Then it was completely rewritten. Then they were going to have that creepy M. Night Shyamalan guy direct it. Then, Harrison Ford wasn't sure if he'd do it. Then, nothing happened for like three more years, and suddenly a few months ago George Lucas is renting out an airplane hanger in Fresno to make IJ4, Fresno of all places. Movies surrounded by this type of hype, procrastination hype that is, usually suck. I just hope IJ4 proves to be an exception.

The good news is that what's her name is in it, the woman from the first Indy movie; I'm too lazy to Google (webmaster's note: it's Karen Allen). Also, Shia LeBeouf is in it. He's cool in my book, did just fine in Transformers as well as his legendary Louis Stevens character in Disney Channel's Even Stevens, and the fact that I even know that says something of the geek in me. Brandon Dyer of KVBC geek fame would agree. He has told me I'm a geek on several occasions, and that is a compliment.

Also, IJ4 comes to us, as did the other Indy movies, from the creative minds of George Lucas and his little pal Steven Spielberg, both of whom I am a fan. Oh, and who could forget Harrison Ford as the title character, the iconic Indiana Jones. So let's just keep all our fingers crossed that this one will be good. Oh yeah, Karen Allen. But still, Fresno??? Isn't that where all the meth labs blow up? Anyways...

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