Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Chihuahuas; Are They Really Dogs?

I believe it was Adam Corolla who on his morning radio show said that Chihuahuas are really rats, and Mexico is just playing a big joke on us. Others have commented that Chihuahuas are too small to be considered real dogs, and one may as well just get a cat. I agreed with these points of view until one week ago when my wife and I adopted a 2 year old Chihuahua from Lieds Animal Shelter here in Las Vegas. I was opposed to getting a Chihuahua because I wanted a dog that could catch a Frisbee or fetch a tennis ball. I wanted a dog that I would not accidentally step on and kill while I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I wanted a dog that when I took it for walks people wouldn't laugh at me, for I am kind of a big guy, so walking a Chihuahua might make me seem like some sort of a wuss. Well to heck will all those notions! Chihuahuas rock! My wife named our new beloved pet, Texas Ranger. We call him Ranger for short. My wife did not pick that name because she is a fan of that Chuck Norris television show, she chose it because she was born and raised in Texas near Dallas. I wanted to name the Chihuahua, Vic Mackey, after Michael Chiklis's character on the hit show 'The Shield.' But my wife wouldn't let that fly.

So what is this all about? Why am I writing about dogs in a movie blog? Let me tell you this . . . I did not title this blog 'Hollywood And Beyond" for nothing. The part in the title that reads, "Beyond," is what allows me to veer away from movies and into other realms of discussion. The possibilities are infinite! It's like being able to purchase a barbecue skewer at Bed Bath And Beyond. Anyway, I was taking Ranger on a walk this morning before work and this construction guy was looking at me with a condescending smile on his face. I was waiting for him to say some smart ass comment about me walking with such a little dog, but he didn't. I expect it was because I walked with pride, as Ranger is actually pretty bad ass, and I'm proud to be seen in his presence. I've encountered other dog walkers already and Ranger is not afraid to go right up to big dogs and sniff there (I'll keep this PG) faces. One bigger dog barked at him, and he just stood his ground and looked at the bigger dog like he was some sort of idiot. I tell you, Ranger has cajones. As far as the fear of stepping on him goes, I'm not worried about that anymore. I think Ranger is more worried about it than I am since he keeps a safe distance from me while I'm cooking dinner, or preparing something in the kitchen. Yet he'll stay close enough in order to gobble up any accidentally dropped pieces of food. And as far as having a dog that can fetch a ball, he's great at it. He can fit a tennis ball in his mouth, but man does it look funny, so we bought him some other toys that are more his style. We got him this little stuffed pink poodle and a stuffed orange cat thing that he attacks with the vengeance of a hungry puma. He is fast too, like a laser! When I take him for walks, sometimes I'll bust into a run and he'll keep up with me no problem. His endurance is amazing too, I tire out before he does.

Not only did Ranger change my perception of Chihuahuas as being real dogs, but he also filled the void of needing a pet. He loves to cuddle, he sits quietly when I'm watching TV, and he plays hard. He does that play bite where it's kind of hard, but not enough to break through the skin. That's when I shove a toy in his mouth. All in all, I am glad we have Ranger, so if you think Chihuahuas are lame, then you may want to think again. And if you want a pet, go check out Lied Animal Shelter on Mojave and Washington near downtown Las Vegas. They have a ton of dogs and cats that will suit your needs. Peace.

1 comment:

steph said...

I want to see a picture of Texas Ranger.