Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Okay, I'm back from doing my news duties . . .
Let's talk pregnant teenagers. Juno, which just came out in theaters, stars Ellen Page, (X-Men 3, Hard Candy), who plays a knocked up teenager who decides she is going to adopt her baby out to a thirties-something couple played by Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner. The film is heart warming, hilarious, smart, and very sweet. Director Jason Reitman, who could very well be the son of Ivan Reitman, hell I don't know, does a wonderful job of capturing a more realistic side of today's youth coming of age.

Remember when teenagers got pregnant, people were like, "Oh my gosh!", and then that pregnant girl in high school dropped out, never to be seen again? Well, I do. And her name was Andrea. But in Juno, she doesn't drop out, she doesn't let the gossip destroy her reputation, she doesn't throw a milkshake in the real daddy's face; it just doesn't become that movie. In fact, it doesn't veer off into about three directions that I thought it would, which is a good thing. Once again, Ellen Page delivers a fine performance as a take no bull from anyone teen, sort of like she did in Hard Candy . . .sort of. This girl is ahead of her time and she knows how to act. If you haven't seen Hard Candy, go rent it.

The supporting cast in Juno is great as well. Michael Cera (Arrested Development, Super Bad), who plays the baby's daddy, is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors, although I am waiting for him to finally break out of his nice guy mold and play a psycho killer or something crazy. Anyway, Tripods Way Up!

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