Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Not So Qualified Nor In Depth Oscar Review

I don't really deserve to do this review because:
I didn't see all the movies that were nominated for Oscars, so therefore I can't really say which did or did not deserve the reward. And because I'm not really a real critic or anything of that sort, just some guy who likes movies and shoots news stories for a living.

So let me begin....
Best Picture: No Country For Old Men - I really really enjoyed this movie and I hoped it would win the Oscar. I am ashamed to admit that of the four nominations, I did not see ‘There Will Be Blood.' It is top on my list to see next, and I would have seen it yesterday or the day before the Oscars, but I had friends in town visiting, and my wife and I adopted a new Chihuahua which absorbed all of my time.

Best Director: The Coen Brothers - I was very happy with this choice as well since I am a huge fan of the Coen Brothers who directed one of my all time favorite movies, The Big Lebowski, so hats off to them! They've been around for a while and they deserved it. Again, I did not see ‘There Will Be Blood', so my opinion really is biased. Sue me.

Best Actress: Marion Cotillard for her role in 'La Vie En Rose'. I never saw the movie, but I'm glad she won. She seems like a really nice person.

Best Actor: Daniel Dey Lewis for his role in ‘There Will Be Blood.' I was rooting for Viggo Mortensen for his role in ‘Eastern Promises' because I loved that movie and I think it deserved more praise than it received. It baffles me that ‘Michael Clayton' was nominated for best picture and ‘Eastern Promises' was not, which leads me to . . .

Best Supporting Actress: Tilda Swinton for her role in ‘Michael Clayton'. Seriously, I think she's a fine actress and all, but her role in ‘Michael Clayton' wasn't all that, I don't know, special? I thought the little girl in ‘Atonement' should have won. Her character dealt with a wider range of emotion, and I think she had way more screen time to show her guns as well.

Best Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem for playing a psychopath in ‘No Country For Old Men'. I was rooting for him to win. I didn't see any of the other movies with the other nominees, but I doubt they would have captivated me as Javier's performance did. As I stated, this is my ‘not so qualified Oscar review.'

As far as the rest goes, I don't really care because I did not see most of them. ‘Transformers' lost for Best Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing to ‘The Bourne Ultimatum.' Lame. ‘Transformers' also lost in the Best Special Effects category to ‘The Golden Compass.' Also lame. As you can tell, I really liked ‘Transformers,' which kind of makes me lame as well.

Overall, I thought it was a pretty good Oscar show. Jon Stewart was funny, the presenters were good; the only complaint I have is that there were too many annoying performances for songs from that movie, ‘Enchanted.' But then again they did make good bathroom breaks. And what was with Jerry Seinfeld presenting awards as that character from that damn ‘Bee Movie???' I know the DVD is due out soon blah blah, but still, move on Jerry, move on.

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