Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dragon Wars Review

If you like dragons, and you like wars, then maybe you'll like Dragon Wars. Go figure. I checked out Dragon Wars last night, it was just released on DVD and probably Blue-ray and HDDVD, I don't know. I'm not really hip to the whole Blue-ray/HD thing going on right now, and I never tried to come off like I was a know-it-all about it in the first place, so until I can afford a Blue-ray player and an HDTV, get off my back about it.

Sorry. I'm just miffed that we have to choose between one and the other, which is a load of crap. We should not be treated like guinea pigs by these large corporations who are battling it out to win the battle of whatever format will become the next big thing like when DVD replaced VHS back in the 80s or 90s or whatever. I will probably buy a Blue-ray player when the time comes because I hear that they are the bombastic shizzle. If, however, I buy a Blue-ray player and HDDVD becomes the norm and they fade Blue-ray out, I will be angry and I will HULK out.
Yes, I will Hulk out as KVBC Editor Sean Robertson has seen me do when I get angry at technology. What Hulking out entails is me clinching my fists real hard and growling out loud, and maybe even yelling a cuss word. I did this at my old station where I worked with Sean in Salinas, California - KSBW 8. He stepped into my edit bay and said, "Are you Hulking out again?" And that's how the term came about. Here at KVBC however, we need to be a bit more professional, so I don't Hulk out as much here, and when I do it is internally.

Anyway, aside of the cheesy acting (not including Robert Forester), Dragon Wars was damn cool. Tripods Up!

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